There is no doubt that you will be using an air conditioning system during summer to cool down and during winter to warm up. But how sure are you that your air conditioner is producing healthy air that you will be breathing in? Houses should be fully protected from the elements, and that includes poor indoor air quality. Poor indoor air quality could negatively impact your and your family’s health. Breathing in the cleanest and purest air possible is vital, as your home is where you eat, sleep, and breathe.
Advanced Heating and Cooling want to ensure that the air conditioning in Melbourne home is functioning properly in generating clean, healthy air. We are air conditioning experts who can recommend some indoor air quality solutions to assure high quality air intake for you and your family.
Humidifiers work in conjunction with your furnace to maintain humidity levels throughout your home. Maintaining proper humidity levels to keep warm during the winter months is essential. Advanced Heating and Cooling can install a humidifier, and we recommend setting your heating to a moderate humidity level to feel warmer at lower temperatures. This way the thermostat’s temperature is lowered without having to sacrifice your comfort.
Air Cleaners and Filters
Advanced Heating and Cooling offer air cleaners and filters for homes. It is best to speak with one of our air conditioning technicians to determine which air cleaning system is most suitable for you.
UV Lights
UV lights are great for purifying the air in your home. These are installed inside your ductwork and they are designed to send friendly oxidisers into your home’s air stream to eliminate any bacteria, viruses, odours, and pollutants that exist inside your air conditioning system.
Fresh Air Ventilators
Fresh air ventilators bring outdoor air into your home while also filtering out pollutants. They dilute and remove harmful indoor air contaminants. This is great if anyone in your family suffers from allergies.
Contact Us Today
Advanced Heating and Cooling can send one of our qualified air conditioning technicians to thoroughly inspect the ventilation and air intake sources in your home, as these are the places where air enters. Call (03) 9310 1990 today.